Weed Shed Building location:
1221 10th St. NW
Watertown, SD 57201
Mailing Address
14 1st Ave. SE
Watertown, SD 57201
(605)882-5386 Office
(605)882-6255 Alternate Number
Email Weed/Pest Department
The Weed and Pest Superintendent’s job is to control all state and local noxious weeds; respond to infestation complaints; input and recommend control measures; and control noxious weeds on county, state, and interstate roads, right-of-ways, and other easements. Distribute flea beetles for the control of leafy spurge and mapping the distribution.
State Noxious Weeds
- Canada Thistle
- Leafy Spurge
- Perennial Sowthistle
- Hoary Cress
- Salt Cedar
- Absinth Worm Wood
- Purple Loosestrife
Local Noxious
- Musk Thistle
- Plumeless Thistle
- Bull Thistle
Public Notices
Notice of Responsibility to Control Noxious Weeds and Declared Pests – 2022
Weed Board Members
Jim Thyen
Bret Henricks
Arlen Boehnke
Chris Coplan
Jon Kahnke
Ron Moehring
Liaison – Charlie Waterman